Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Chapter 17 Odds and Ends

Blondie There was this blonde that worked as a my mail girl for a while at Research and Development. I can't remember her name. I used to have her name written down, as my Ex-Mother In-Law 2 knew her, or of her. If I recall she had a bad reputation or so my Mother-in-law said. So she must have been from the Dewey Bartlesville area. She was the prettiest thing. She had the most enormous breasts for someone with as slight a build as she did. This gal was straight from Tobacco Road. She would come to work wearing tan pants and sandals looking like the stereotypical waif. Every time I hear the song "Chevy Van" I think of this gal. Especially the line "A dirt-road main street, she walked off in bare feet". I imagine her in cut off jeans and a tied short shirt. Like Daisy in the Duke's of Hazzard. That's how I'll always remember her. I wanted to get to know this young lady in the worst way. It was apparent that she came from a less than affluent background. She used to put makeup on a face that didn't need it. Obviously no one had ever taught her how to do it. Her mascara looked like it had been put on with a trowel. Despite that, she was just gorgeous and had this aura of naive sexuality about her. I asked her out once and we went to the little club that was on 1st Street I think. It was there I learned she was too young to drink. I despaired that the gulf between our back grounds was just too vast to bridge. I truly wanted to make a Lisa Doolittle out of her. I am a care taker at heart. I guess I wanted to save her, give her a better opportunity. I really did. I guess that is arrogant. She was probably as happy as a clam where she was. I learned that later on traveling to a lot of distant places. People no matter how mean there existence are usually pretty happy. Kids in the jungles of Bolivia, don't know they are supposed to have a TV, McDonald's Happy Meals, Cokes, and $2000 worth of overpriced junk called toys littering their bedrooms. The kids in the Christian Children's Fund or whatever are like that. I can't imagine how long it takes them to get the kids not to smile for the camera. Total Crap. When you give to that fatherly white bearded man, you are really paying his and an army of other leach's salaries. The kids get the crumbs they didn't even ask for. She was just so, so pretty and sweet and sexy. You just don't see them come any prettier and sexier naturally any more. This gal had the patent on how brick shithouses are built. The last I heard she got married and probably had a bunch of kids living in a trailer somewhere. I do remember running into her later and she had this hyper jealous boyfriend. They looked like they were joined at the hip He held on to her like grim death. I can't say I blame him. She probably had every guy in a three county area bird dogging her. Rene' Rene' was a dream. She was a regular at the DI. A true local girl. She picked me up one night at DI. I was very flattered, but also very drunk. This girl had the most fantastic body I have ever seen. I mean this girl was perfect. Perfect everything. She had the most perfect breasts, with those pear shaped or what they call puffie nipples. Lean, svelt and just absolutely perfect. As I said I was very drunk and as I recall did not acquit myself very admirably in the bed that night. I rue that day, I really wanted to impress this woman. Well, we hit it off anyway. I took her antiquing the next day, a Saturday. We hit every store in Dewey and Bartlesville. I was on a frame buying jag, and needed frames for water fowl prints I wanted to hang. I had a great time with her and hoped it would lead to more. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that I was apparently a pre-marital fling. Yep, she was sowing her last wild oats. The next time I saw her she was working at the Phillips Hotel and was pregnant. I don't think it was mine, LOL. I had been gone for a while to Houston and she had married in the meantime. Rene', Rene' sweet Rene'. One of the most physically perfect women I have ever known. Like Diane only with a perfect set of boobs. I hope life has treated you well. to be contiued...

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