Monday, January 19, 2015

Chapter 29 National Cash Register

Now, if you are asking yourself, if this guy has a steel trap for a memory, I do have a pretty good head for recollection, but to be honest, I wrote most of these entries years ago in a journal of sorts.  To post them I am just updating them a bit, like with this intro, and then cutting and pasting the rest in.  So why didn't I finish posting these years ago?  Good question.  Too many things going on, procrastination, you know the normal list of things.

There was a club off of Peoria, which for a while in the mid 80’s, had a late night TV broadcast on a local station.  I can’t remember the name, but for a while it was a very popular place.  They put cameras in the club and telecast about an hour or so of the club’s goings on.  I use to go there frequently, making the drive from Bartlesville.  This is the club I took Dana to on our abortive date.  On another night I met a somewhat older gal that turned out to be the tri-state manager for National Cash Register or NCR.  We danced a while and then did the obligatory getting to know you routine, then decided to leave.  She had a condo nearby that we drove back to. 

It amazes me how trusting women can be, or were back then at least.  I must look like a nice guy, but then so did Ted Bundy.  My point being, I could have been a real crazy and here she invited me back to her place.  I did meet a couple of her girlfriends, and I may have shown them my driver's license just so they knew I was who I said I was and to increase her comfort level.  But there have been other times, when it was "how do you do, lets screw!" and we were off to the races without so much as an exchange of names that I can remember.
In the event, things worked out well for her and me.  She was a nice woman, probably about 9-10 years older than me.  Don’t get me wrong, but I was thinking sugar momma and gigolo.  Alas it was not to be. 
She didn't appear to be a cougar on the prowl, I think it was her celebration with her gal pals of her new promotion.  I just happened to be the icing on top of the cake.
She too was headed out of town, to Louisiana shortly after that.  She had gotten promoted, and was leaving in a week to take the other position.  So I guess I was a going away present so to speak.  It was too bad she was leaving, she was a hoot and fun to be with.  She turned out to be my one and only shot at a sugar mama.  She was probably near to pulling down six figures in the mid 80's, making almost twice if not three times what I was making.  It could have been fun, but turned out to be all too brief.

Back in the days of the Reagan Era, it seemed everyone was drunk on excess.  My god, there were new clubs popping up in Tulsa on Lewis and Peoria like mushrooms. There were clubs that I can't even remember the names of, nice glitzy upscale places on Yale and Sheridan.  Most were on Peoria or Lewis.  I used to go to the Double Tree for happy hour.   On Friday I would drive to Tulsa from B'ville to make a happy hour or two.  This was when Disco International in B'ville was beginning to fade. 

It seems that the down turn in oil prices hit the high rolling big spending locals first.  As stripper wells were shut in and plugged, more than a few locals in Washington County learned that the royalty money that all of a sudden seemed to be raining from heaven during the boom could just a quickly dry up.  I've heard of a lot of sad stories that would have ended differently had the individuals only put the money away; rather than spend it as fast as it came in.  They would have been set for life.   Instead they spent way too much and got in way over their heads and lost everything and then some when the tap was closed as the prices dropped.

As they say, only two things fall from the Heavens, manna and airborne rangers.

Trooping to Tulsa introduced me to a whole new group of people.  Like the nice buxom (yeah, that characteristic again) Catholic girl , who happened to be a nurse at St. Francis.  She had a nice personality, but struck me as a bit needy.  But what the hey? I liked her.

I was supposed to take her on a canoe trip but things got mixed up and it never happened.  I think her background was German.  Her biological clock was ticking and she wanted to have kids.  That gave me pause.  She struck me as one of the type who wanted about 8 or so, but she had the figure for it.  As my Ex Wife #1 would say she had "kartoffel stumpfers"  or potato stomping legs, and tiny waist and yes, as set of DDs. If I had to guess I'd say about 36 DD.  She would show up for happy hour with her blond hair hair up in a bun, channeling her grandmother, no doubt; her nursing uniform on, and this angelic look on her face.  This gal was like a rumbling volcano ready to spew hormones all over the landscape.  I had known two good Catholic girls just like her in college. One of them from very large family of 10-12 siblings from good practicing Catholic parents.  Birth control was not what they were practicing obviously.

I could tell our late 20’s something nurse was just waiting to sink her teeth into Mr. Right after about 25+ years of celibacy.  As Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool..."  It wasn't me, sorry to say, I would have liked to give it a go, but it never happened.  The happy hour crowd drifted on to another locale as they are wont to do, and I never saw her again.

I went to the New Year's Party there the following year in hopes that she might show up, but I didn't see her.  I had to go into St. Francis for knew surgery about 5 years later and never saw her either, but hopes of that were on the slim side, unless I knew exactly what unit she worked on, and I didn't. 

Chapter 28 Wow! Its 2015. and Time to reminisce about the S&J Oyster Girl

Okay, its been 4 years: really has it been that long?  I guess it has been.  Well then its time for another trip down memory lane.

Who here remembers the S&J Oyster Bar on Peoria?  There was one on Peoria and one on Yale. Not sure if they exist now.  I see there is one down town on 1st Street.  Well the one in Peoria was a meat market, and I don't mean seafood flesh.

Well, I think I might have made mention in a previous post about how I met a young lady who rescued me from the seductive intent of a gay co-worker from Phillips Plastics.

She was a nice young woman who I struck up a conversation with sitting there schlepping down oysters and doing oyster shots (Vodka, oyster and hot sauce).

She wasn’t model pretty or anything like that, but she had a rack that would knock your eyes out.  But I think what attracted me to her the most was her sense of humor and her outgoing personality.  My erstwhile gay seductor had gone next door to a little bar, the name for which has long faded from my memory.  Well I used that opportunity to move to the bar swivel seat next to her's and to fill her in on my situation, setting her up to be my white knight.

She smiled and was more than game.  So my ride came back and much to his surprise I told him my new friend would be accompanying us the rest of the evening.  I think this was a Wednesday or Thursday night, hump night or the day after.  You know it was much easier back then to spend the night out and then put in 8 hours the next day and function than it is today.

After we finished out food and cocktails, we went over to the place next door for a while, I recall it was kind of a dive, outside was painted black, and it had a coffeehouse atmosphere to it.  We hung there for a while, them my ride suggested we go to a place on the east side, a gay bar called Zippers.

Now I don’t know if he thought my new female friend would bail on us due to our new destination, but she didn’t.  I rode with her, much to his chagrin.  We all made it to our destination in one piece.  The place wasn’t too busy, with a few lesbian and gay couples milling around on the dance floor and swapping spit in the booths.

My new friend decided to follow suit and we continued the make out session we had begun on the drive over.  Hey!  Her hands were busy driving, no one says mine had to be idle.
I wonder what changes come over a person when they hit middle age.  Do the hormones stop pumping, does the adventurous edge dull, or do the insecurities of fading looks, hair loss accumulate?  As I sit here writing this, it hits home how much fun it was to meet a one night stand, hit it off, go crazy on each other, and then say goodbye.  Do we as we get older see something inherently wrong in that now that even if given the chance we wouldn't do it?  My current wife, when we were dating in our forties did things that gave passing truckers an eyeful of her nicely formed naked derriere through the passenger seat of my SUV while they passed us driving on the interstate.  Could I get her to do that today?  I doubt it, and its only been 15 years since she was an enthusiastic accomplice.  I guess folks change, but its disappointing. we were working ourselves in to a sexual frenzy, we saw no sense in staying around any longer.  She wanted me to come home with her, and I agreed once I got assurances from her that she would drive me back to Bartlesville in the morning.  I had to go break the news to my ride, that he would be driving back to B’ville by himself.

I often felt very sorry for the guy’s wife, the beard.  She was such a nice woman, a bit on the rotund side, obviously Jewish, but in that fun effervescent way.  She reminded me of Mamma Cass Eliot of the Mommas and Pappas.  There didn’t seem to be a bad bone in her body.  Her husband was a real hound, I only hope he didn’t give her HIV on down the road.

Now let me tell you about my new friend.  She was a darling.  She had the best set of breasts bar none that I have ever seen.  Not huge but big and firm. The kind you dream about.  Nipples out to there, puffy aureoles, the whole enchilada.  She decided to take a bath so I joined her and we had a glass of wine and talked in the bathtub.  Well she talked I played.

Imagine how crest fallen I was when she told me she would be leaving Tulsa to get married.  Her fiancĂ©e lived out of state and was blind.  She wanted to have one last fling before she hung up her spurs.   I was devastated.  Here I thought I had met a really fun gal who I hit it off with right away, but it was not to be.   We had a great night and I saw her again over another weekend before she left for parts north and marriage.

 This was one of those nights that guys dream about.  I mean I just fell into this wonderful young thing’s bed by chance.   I wish I could remember her name, to put it with the wonderful memory of the love making we had.

There was one downside; she gave me gift that I will forever link her with.  They were very intimate and I didn't realize I had been given a gift until a week or so later when they began to itch like crazy.  Yes, she gave me the crabs.  Unfortunately I passed them on to at least one other person with whom I was intimate at the time.  We discovered them together actually, one weekend.  I saw them on me, so I inspected her and low and behold she had a menagerie too.  So I made a quick run to the drug store and we doused them with Rid and did away with them.  Don't ask me how I talked my way out of that, but I did.